vulgar language

美 [ˈvʌlɡər ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]英 [ˈvʌlɡə(r) ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]
  • 粗俗的语言
vulgar languagevulgar language
  1. Should you stop kids watching TV in case they hear vulgar language ?


  2. Strong , vulgar language ; obscene gestures . Use of epithets .


  3. His father still speaks the vulgar language of the country .


  4. West ho , how come you spoke vulgar language again ?


  5. This sort of vulgar language hardly becomes a man in your position , vicar .


  6. I used to be a morbid gambler , also fond of speaking vulgar language .


  7. No vulgar language here ok !


  8. A person with a great store of words to use does not need to rely on vulgar language as a crutch .


  9. Based on previous studies , the thesis makes classifications of Chinese vulgar language and English vulgar language , analyzing their pragmatic functions in general .


  10. Vulgar language , which was avoided in our grandparent 's polite society , is an accepted part of today 's permissive society .


  11. Desk rage refers to the peak of office employee stress levels which ultimately starts with the screaming of vulgar language within the workplace .


  12. Yet , encouraged by the pervasive profanity on television and in music , kids don 't think twice about aggressive and vulgar language .


  13. This thesis talks about the English translation of vulgar language in literary works , taking the novel There Is Nothing I Can Do When I Think of You Late at Night as an example .


  14. It is mainly the psychology of seeking curiosity and change , the psychology of avoiding vulgar language and seeking elegant language , the psychology of sexual differences between male and female , the psychology of worship , the psychology of adaptation that lead to language deviation .
